Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today is July 1. I went to see the doctor yesterday. I have had a sinus thing going on for weeks. Finally had to give in a go see the doctor. He gave me a shot and a hand full of pills. I sure wish I could get to feeling better easily. It seems I have to always have the hard mess to get rid of. I think most of my problem is the fact that I have been so worried about Charles. I wish that Life did not have to be so hard. I know the Lord loves me but I sure have a hard time some times trying to get through it. I do have my share of trials. But we are to have trials in all things and I am so blessed with so many things.

The weather is so hot and dry that I sure wish that we could get a good rain. I have some new peas and watermelons that sure need some rain. It rained a few minutes day before yesterday but nothing since. It was only enough to dampen the top so it did not help except to cool it down a little. The tempeture has been up to 100 for over a week now. It is so hot.

Michelle has gone to girls camp with Audra this week. I hope she is having a good time. She works so hard and does not have time to do anything with her kids. They need her so bad. I sure wish I had the energy to do more for her. Marla will be moving in on Friday the 3rd. I sure hope this will make things good for her and she can get the building for the apartment like she wants.

I am so gretful to my Father in Heaven that He has provided me with such a wonderful life. I love Him so very much. He is such a Wonderful Father to me. I only wish that I could serve Him better in all my life. I try but I come short of the mark an awful lot. I know he will forgive me but I wish that I could do better. He is always there for me and I wsih that I could always do the same for him. But I feel that I fall short a lot. I hope that my Children and Grandchildren do a better job than me.

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