Monday, July 20, 2009

I have this wonderful friend who has lung cancer. She is the strongest person I know. I have never seen anyone who has tried so hard to beat this other than maybe Annie Mae. I am not sure that if this happened to me I could hold out like they have and did. Peggy has been such an insperation to me. She would get up and leave home at at 6:30 on Sunday Morning to be at church in Paxton because her husband was the Branch President. He had a Birthday on Sunday the 19th She gave him a surprise party and I was one of the few that got invited. I had a really good time. They live in Crestview so I did not get home until 8:30. Today is George's Birthday. I called him this morning and talked to him for a minute.

I have to get back outside to cutting grass. It is only 7:30 and I have about half of the push mowing done. It gets to hot if you wait very long. But I had to come in and get me something to drink. Charles is still in the bed and Marla went to work to see if they would let her work. She has got the shingles all over her now. I am not sure that it is the shingles. I have never seen them look like that. I wish she could get herself well enough she did not have to go to the doctor so much. I don't think its good to do that.

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