Saturday, January 31, 2009

Got up this morning early and made some more Jelly. I had 17 jars today. I now have 120 jars of all kinds of jelly. It really is very good. I was a very tired lady when I got finished but I got done anyway. We are trying to put shelves up in the hallway so I can have a pranty to put all that food storage in. I have really gotten lots of it lately. We put 480 pounds of beef in the freezer and about 50 pounds of pork. I have several pounds of chicken also. About 50 bags of peas. I hope to put lots more in there this summer. I am afraid that if I don't do that we want have enough food to eat.

I still miss Mama Weaver so bad. It has been almost as hard as giving up Mother. I would love to be able to go talk to her. I could tell her everthing and she seemed to understand. Now I guess that Shari is leaving also. I want have anyone left that I can confide in. Oh well life goes on. and I will survive hopefully.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Today has been a okay day. We took the post down for around the garden. Got to get it ready to plow. I sure hope that we can make lots of peas this year. I want to be able to share some with folks that don't have any. I love to grow them so I hope we do okay this year with them. Maybe some squash, tomatoes, and all that good stuff. I have never been able to do to good with anything except peas. I want to plant some beans this year also. We may even try some corn. I know we will have lots of watermelons. That is Charles's favorite thing.

We had roast for dinner and boy was it good. We went yesterday and picked up the cow that we had butchered. We got 480 pounds of meat. So we have a freezer full. I can eat now. Never seen so many roast and hamburger meat in my life. Thank goodness. We had Audra and Joshua for dinner. Sure enjoyed seeing them eat so much.

I have to get busy on the Afgan that I have started so I can finish it. I am making it for Barbara the nurse at the doctors office. Charles sure likes her and she is good to both of us.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Have had a couple of busy days. Had to take Charles to the eye doctor on Tuesday. He says the eye is okay just slow to respond to treatment. It looks bad to me but what do I know. I then had to come home and make room for a new freezer and get ready to pick up my beef today. Boy what a job. Had to crawl over in the big old freezer and stack things so I would have enough room for 485 pounds of beef. But can't wait to get some in my mouth.

I went with Michelle and Joseph to Crestview on Monday to be with him to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. What a special thing that was. I only wish they would try harder to get ready to go to the temple. I think he would if Michelle was not quite so bitter. I know how she feels but she will have to be the one to change that. And I really don't know how she feels. I did not loose my kids at that time of my divorce. I lost some of mine later. I do love all of them with all my heart but they don't seem to care.

I have to get ready to plant the garden so I have to get busy in the field and plow. It has turned cold again so I am not sure when that will happen. I am getting to old to plow that tractor. But if I want peas I have to do it. I am afraid not to do that for fear we want have anything to eat next winter. I am trying very hard to get a good supply fo food. I will have a good supply of beef and I hope to kill a hog soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today has been a hard but good day. I had to say goodbye to my wonderful friend Mama Weaver. such a sweet and wonderful lady. A lady she was. She would not allow any one to come to her house until she was dressed, combed, powdered, and perfumed. I wish I could be more like that. We made dinner for about 45 people and they seemed to really enjoy themselves very much. I hope her family all know how very much she loved them and how much she wanted them to become active in church and live closer to Heavenly Father.

I am so tired and I have to do my Relief Society lesson for tomorrow so I had better cut this one short. I just wanted to write down how I felt today. I know that Mama Weaver is where she wanted to be and I believe that she is with her husband and Mother and Father that she loved so very much. I will miss her but I am truly happy that she is there.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I had the great honor of dressing my dear Friend and getting her mortal body ready for its rest tonight. What an honor that is. How much I loved her and miss her today. I know she is where she wants to be but I miss her. I hope some day to be able to be with her again. I know that she had a hard life and went through a lot of trials but she was faithful and I pray that she can be with her family the way she wanted to be. Shari, Betty, Peggy, myself and Candy her Granddaughter was there. Sister Miller offered the most beautiful prayer before we started and there was such a sweet spirit there. I am so Thankful for that experience. I love my Father in Heaven and I want to try harder to live for him. I pray that I can do that.

I went to dinner with Peggy. I sure wish I knew what to do to help her. She is so depressed. I worry about her so much. I will pray for her to try and help her get through this trial in her life.

God bless Shari. The more she faces the stronger she gets. I should be holding her up but she is always helping me. I know that she love the Lord so very much and I want to be more like her.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today has been one of the hardest days of my life. I lost my dearest friend today. I know she has gone to a better place but I hate that she could not stay home where she wanted to be and had to die alone at the nursing home. This is a picture of her at the Temple the day she recieved her Endowments. She was so happy. She was such a wonderful person and so kind and loving. I wish all of you could have know the dear lady that I called my Mama. Her name was Anne Weaver and she reminded me so much of my mother that I could not help but love her. She promised me that she would look my mother up when you got to heaven and tell her that I love her and still miss her so very much. I sure wish I could go to her tonight and put my head in her lap and tell her all my troubles. She would always make me feel so good about myself. Sister Weaver had that same quality and I will miss her very much. Some of my Grandchildren were fortunate enough to know her and they loved her a lot. I will be one of the blessed people that gets to dress her. The very last thing someone can do for her.

I have been really worried about Charles. It seems that he is having a lot of trouble these days. His eye was bothering him again and I took him to Dothan to get a shot again. We went to the medical doctor today and it seems his calcium is to high and that might cause him some serious problems. I truly pray that does not happen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today I had to take Charles back to Dothan and have a shot put in his eye again to stop it from hurting. I sure wish I knew what to do to stop that pain. I am sure that it is great. He can't hardly stand it. We had a safe trip just a long wait but I got lots of crocheting done. I wish I could sit and do that all the time. It makes me happy.

Life is good and I love my Father in Heaven very much. I sure wish I could keep him on my mind all the time so I did not have to worry about anything. He blesses me so very much to be able to drive for such a long ways and not have any trouble. I am grateful for all he does for me. I have 5 wonderful children and they are the light of my life. I only wish they felt the same about me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today was Stake Conference. I hate that I did not get to go. We took the Cow to the butcher pin and I had to stay home and load her. David Hays took her for us and he wanted to pick her up at 2:30 so I could not go to conference. It has been a good day though. It was raining to start the day off but then it cleared and was beautiful the rest of the day. I have had a great day. Did not do much of anything. Was give out after making 120 half pints of jelly. I hope that is enough to last me for a few days anyway. Gave Marla some and she said it was very good. I did bag up 44 quarts of peas. Some that I had frozen already from last year just had to put them in bags.

I called Jack tonight and he is doing good. He sounds great. I only wish he was finished with the surgery but maybe that will go great and he will be finished soon. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him. He is such a good brother and I love him so very much.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I went to see Mama Weaver today. I was so upset. She looks so bad. I am sure she will not live long. It is so sad to see her not be able to do anything. They have her so drugged up that she can not feed herself or anything. I sure would love to bring her home and take care of her but can't. I do not have the right to do anything. She wanted me to bring her some Ice Cream back.

I Came home and started Jelly making again. I now have 72 jars of blueberry jelly. Now I have to make some scuppernong jelly and probably some blackberry. I will be glad when I get it all done. My back is killing me.

I had a great visit with Shari while we were out. we went to Apple Bee for lunch and it was great. I had some potato soup and Grilled Cheese BLT and it was really good. I loved the soup. Then we went to the Goodwill and I found me some pants and a shirt.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have had a busy day today. I went over to Mama Weavers house and got some food that David wanted me to have. Came home and started making Jelly. I did 36 jars of Blueberry. I have about that many more to do and I will be done with blueberry, then I have some scuppernong to do. I will be glad when I get it all done. I sure do have a job trying to keep up with all this. I wish Michelle would help me with some of it. She will probably eat most of it anyway.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Went to the eye doctor today. Had to go to Dothan and had my eyes dilated and then some lazer surgery done and had to drive home. Boy was that scary. I did not thnk about them doing all that to me or I would have ask Michelle to go with me. Oh well I made it with a lot of prayers.
I have to go back again on Monday. Maybe I will get her to go with me then.

I really have to go to Crestview to see Grannie Weaver before something happens to her. I understand she is not doing well at all. I just have so much going on that I cant find the time plus Charles has been sick and I don't want to take it in to her. She has enough to deal with as it is. I talk to David once in awhile to see how she is doing.

Elder Brackin called tonight. What a surprise. Great to talk to them. They really want me to come to Utah in April. Still not sure if I can or not.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today has been good. I had to be at the doctor's office at 8 A.M. So I was up and at it early. Had to feed and take care of Chickens, Cows, dog and Cat so needless to say I was up early and busy. Picked Michelle up at 7:20 A.M. and we went to Crestview. I saw the doctor and she released me for 2 years. She tells me nothing is wrong except meanness. I guess that is about right.

Michelle and I went to Breakfast at Cracker Barrel and I had biscuits and gravy. Not as good as mine but okay. Ran into Nita Fickett and her family there. Then we came straight home and there I have remained the rest of the day.

I helped Charles put together his new Air Compressor. He had just about run me nuts to do that. Him so sick he couldn't get outside but he wanted to put that thing together. Oh well we got it together and now he is happy. We went to the pond fed the cows and picked up the eggs fed the dog and cat and back in the house. Dinner done and we have eaten and the dishes done. Thank you Lord I can rest some now. I have got to start walking again to see if I can loose some more weight.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today has been a bad day for me. I must have had a temperature. I went to church and only stayed for the first hour. I came home and took some Tylenol and took a nap. Then had to go feed the cows and get the eggs.

I have to go to the OB/GYN doctor in the morning and I hope that will be the end of that for a long time. I think everything is good but don't know until I see her tomorrow. I have to be there at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Tim and Shari came by and gave me a blessing today after church. I feel some better now and I hope it stays that way. Charles seems to be some better also. I hope he will continue to get better. He has been sick since Christmas and its about time he got better. That is my day .

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Had a good day today except I have not felt very good. I think I am trying to get what Charles has. He has been really sick with it and I guess there has been 3 People died at the nursing home with it.

I talked to Jack this morning and he is doing much better. Trying to get set for his surgery so we will know when that is to take place. Don't want them to call and say he has surgery tomorrow and have to run with it.

Michelle came up with her new baby goat. Cute!! sometimes I would like to have some again but right now we have a couple of cows. I may decide to get me some goats one day. Some times I think I should just sell all this stuff I have around here and not have to worry about anything. Marla called after she got home from work to tell me she had a couple of Poems on line and hopefully she will get some money out of that. She is trying so hard to make this all work.

I have worked on a couple of afghans today and stayed in the house. My head hurts and I feel ruff. Hope it is all better tomorrow

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Went to the doctor on Monday Jan 5, 2009. Charles has had the crud's. I do hope he is some better. I was afraid that he would end up in the hospital. They gave him a Kenalog shot to try and help he through. Took him back to the doctor today and they started him on a B12 shot and hope that will give him some more energy. I have to give him the shot so I hope I can do it so that it does not hurt. I was never trained in giving shots. We have had some very windy weather the last 2 days. I hope that it is all gone. I hope we can have some good weather so I can plow the garden and get it ready to plant. I have to get peas in the ground. If I don't we want have anything to eat next year. I also have to clean my freezer and get it ready for meat. The cow is about ready to put in there.I can't wait to eat some of it. She sure is a pretty thing and I bet she is going to taste good. We have only feed her sweet feed so it should be goo and tender and sweet. I am so grateful to have a brother that loves me enough to give it to me. It would have cost us about 200 dollars if we had to buy her. Now we have about 300 dollars worth of feed in her.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today has been a good day. Richard Michelle and Myself went over to Yellow River. We were looking for the girls Uncle Wesley Kelly's house. Richard has a picture that he wanted to find but we could not find it.

We came back by Eva Dell's house and spent some time with her and Terry and his Grandson. He is really a cute baby. 21 months old and a live wire. Terry has a couple of Donkey's so we had to go to the barn to see them. Cute.

We came home and Audra and I made cookies for Richard to take home with him. He loves Oreo cookies so we made him some to take with him. We really had fun. I love it when the kids can come spent time with me to do things.

Friday, January 2, 2009

We had a great day today. Doug, Jolyn and the girls came and spent the afternoon with us. I could not believe that they stayed from 1:30 until 7:30. They have never stayed that long before. IT was great and I think Charles really had a good time.

Richard has been here for 2 days and we have rally enjoyed having him here. He has fixed the side door and put down the block for a patio outside the door. It has really made a big difference in the way things look. I only wish I had a lot of the blocks so we could put they down all around outside the door. We could use that corner for a patio and put the table out there. Then we could eat outside some times when the weather permits.

Life has been good today. I have really enjoyed my visit. The girls have grown up so much and seem to be such good girls.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My nephew Richard Young came in yesterday and is staying with us long enough to fix a few thing that need fixing. He was going to fix the travel trailer but we find out it is to far go to fix. It has leaked and ruined the whole side of the trailer.

We have had a good day. Richard put down some blocks by the door on the side of the house. I would like to have a patio out there but can't afford to by cement to do it with. Charles has been sick most of the day with the cold he has.

Michelle came and spent some of the day here. Robert, Audra, and Joshua came also. I love to spent time with my grandchildren. Robert has grown up to be such a nice young man. Love them all.