Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today has been a hard but good day. I had to say goodbye to my wonderful friend Mama Weaver. such a sweet and wonderful lady. A lady she was. She would not allow any one to come to her house until she was dressed, combed, powdered, and perfumed. I wish I could be more like that. We made dinner for about 45 people and they seemed to really enjoy themselves very much. I hope her family all know how very much she loved them and how much she wanted them to become active in church and live closer to Heavenly Father.

I am so tired and I have to do my Relief Society lesson for tomorrow so I had better cut this one short. I just wanted to write down how I felt today. I know that Mama Weaver is where she wanted to be and I believe that she is with her husband and Mother and Father that she loved so very much. I will miss her but I am truly happy that she is there.

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