Friday, July 3, 2009

Had a day that I did almost nothing. It was great. I got up at 7:00 and watered grass all day. I sure wish it would rain but so far nothing. We have had a couple of sprinkles but nothing to do any good. I know that the Lord knows what is best but I sure hate to see all those peas and watermelons go to waste. They have to have a little water to make it work.

We went to see Aunt Eva Dell today. She sure looks old and does not get around good at all. She was sitting in her chair sleeping when we got there. Left there and went up to visit Terry and Janet. Jordyn had Gastric by pass surgery on Monday and we went up to check on him. He sure has gotten to be a big boy. Maybe he can get it off and keep it off.

I want be able to pay my water bill this month. I have had to water flowers every day. It sure takes a lot of water to do that. I hope that Heavenly Father soon has a little pitty on me and will let it rain. I could pick some more peas if it would do that. Oh well I guess I don't need them anyway. I sure don't need to have to pick them. Of course I could sell them if I could get them picked.

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