Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today has been busy. Michelle and I did the quilt for the Relief Society and finished that except for the hem. I have to get some hem binding to put on it. It turned out really cute. Michelle Embroidered Paxton Florida in the middle of it.

Then Charles and I put up a light in the hallway where my shelves is at so I could see what all I have out there. It sure made a difference in it. Of course I had painted the walls before we made the shelves. That made it a lot lighter. We have really been working on that project for several days. He want let it rest if I say I want something done he has to get with it. He is afraid I will ask someone else to do it. He works me to death trying to get it done.

I still have that piece of plastic in my foot. It has been bothering me today. I guess I will have to go to the doctor and have it took out. Sure did not want to do that. I am so thankful for the health that I have and I dread having to start going to the doctor so much. Maybe it will hold off for a little while longer anyway.

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