Monday, December 8, 2008

Today I have just made cookies all day long. I only made 30 dozen . I am going to take them to the inactive members and invite them to the Christmas Party on the 20Th. We have a fun program planned plus we are going to have Smoked Turkey with all the trimmings. I am sure we will have lots of fun. After dinner we are going to have a naughty Santa game for all the kids. They always seem to enjoy that. I think all the family is well tonight. I have not heard from Letha. It seems she was sick yesterday so I hope she is better today.
I helped Charles move a roll of hay and put the peacocks back in the pen. It seems someone left the gate open and let them out. I sure was afraid that they would leave but they didn't. The male sure is pretty.
I am so thankful for all I have and the health that I enjoy. The Lord has blessed me so much. For the last 18 years I have had the privilege of having a lot of Missionarys come to my home and the blessings they brought to my life is undiscribable. They had such a wonderful spirit about them and I will always be greatful for that blessing. I hope some day to see them all again and Thank each one for the part they played in my coming back to church and living a better life.

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