Thursday, June 18, 2009

I have been busy for the last several days. My peas had to be picked and I picked them. Now I have a back ache that want wait. I picked and shelled over a bushel put up 9 pints of squash, 10 pints of strawberry's and 7 quart of peaches. It seems that when it rains it pours. Charles fixed a fan to put on the front pourch to pull the hot air out of the hallway. There seems to always be something that needs to be done around here. I have not yet gotten all my grass cut. I have pulled weeds out of the garden until I am sick of that job.

Today we are going for lunch with Bill and Effie Akins from Pensacola. I am not in the mood for that but we have been planning for a week to go so I guess I will go anyway. I don't know why I feel so bad today. I talked to Melissa yesterday. From what she said the girls really liked their gifts I sent. Jordyn was happy about the shirt. I hope so anyway. I miss talking to them. But one day maybe everything will be back to normal.

I went to Mama Weaver's house yesterday. I went to see Candy. She gave me a poem to put on the bags of cookies that I will be handing out for Fathers Day. I loved it.

My Father

I've watched your hands
Work busily
So many things you've
Done for me
Without you, there could
Never be..
My Father
Your words of wisdom
Reach my heart
You Pray for me when
We're apart
You've given me a special
My Father
You work so hard and
Thus provide
A shelter, Warm, and
Safe inside
Two words, that fill me
With pride..
My Father
I know I never can repay
The things you do for me
Each day
Please feel my love each
Time I say
My Father

I miss my Dad so much and I wish he were here for me to tell him how very much I love him. I know that he knows but I would still love to tell him just one more time.

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