Thursday, April 2, 2009

I have been home for 2 days now. I spent the last week in and out of the hospital with my Brother Jack. He has sure been a sick boy. He had his surgery on Wednesday and was doing good until Saturday night. He had s reaction to the Morphine and boy it through him for a loop. Then on Sunday he got sick to his stomach and he vomited for about 14 hours before they did the NG tube. Then he went to sleep for the first time in days. I finally got a little rest on Monday night. I talked to him yesterday and he sounded like himself for the first time in months. I have really been worried about him.

During all this time Jordyn and Kennedy broke their nose so I have been sick about that one also. I sure hate that they have to get hurt but I guess you can't help it some times. I have not been able to have the time to call and check on them like I would have like to but life takes its toll some times.

I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven that all is as well as it is. I am home and I hope to stay. I think Jack will be coming home on Friday. And life will be back to normal as soon as the water goes down. We have had about 19 inches of rain. Everything is flooded around here. We can't even get to the pond until it dries out some. But I will get my garden in one day maybe.

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