Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today is my Michelle's Birthday. Lordly I am getting old. I wish I could make life so it would be better for her. She has had a bad day I am sure. I wish that Josephs kids would do like they should so she would not have to worry about them. I have had a busy day. Miss Effie and Uncle Bill, Don and his Wife came by and got some watermelons and I tried to clean the house before they got here. Of course I did not make it. My house stays a mess all the time. I have to much to do and I don't have time to clean house. I did have a good day. I caught 7 baby guineas and put them in the box with their Mother. So I hope I can raise them. They are so dang cute. I just love to find them and raise them up. They get loud when they get grown but I still love to raise them.

Betty Jo called me this morning. I guess she will be going home next Tuesday. She has been at Michelle's for 5 weeks. Michelle had to have some surgery. But all is well now.

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